Dear customers, family & friends,
After many months of brainstorming, designing, writing, photographing, re-doing, organizing, adjusting, networking, inquiring, re-thinking everything again, again and again....
a long, much anticipated delivery and finally born is: Saar Soleares!!!
The icing on the cake: our first organic perfume with an exotic flavor; "Soleares" . My line of organic care products that some of you might know as Golden Nature Products has been transformed into a new brand with a new coat. The organic perfume is the first of what I envision as a whole new line of products. Years ago, when I made a Beeswax Salve based on a family recipe for my daughter Ilaya, her rash magically disappeared after three weeks of using this homemade Salve. Since then my trust in finding a natural solution has only grown and inspires me to develop more of these powerful, healthy and delicious natural products.
In our new webshop you will find all your familiar products, with the same ingredients and quality, but with a complete re-design of our packaging. I hope this new direction will make you as happy as it makes me!
With love & care,
Thank you!!! Mauricio Arias, for making Saar Soleares so beautiful. You are a very special person and most talented designer ever. I could not have done this without you.